Saturday, April 20, 2024

Baltic Cruise

 Took a trip with Kala(Wife) and Shalini(Daughter) on a Baltic cruise, in Serenade of seas owned by Royal Caribbean. Spent eight days sailing ⛵️ in Baltic sea 19th May to 27th May-2017, starting from Copenhagen-Denmark ЁЯЗйЁЯЗ░ and visiting Stockholm-Sweden ЁЯЗ╕ЁЯЗк, Tallinn-Estonia ЁЯЗкЁЯЗк, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin-Russia ЁЯЗ╖ЁЯЗ║, Helsinki-Finland ЁЯЗлЁЯЗо and back to Copenhagen- Denmark. A memorable trip. Here are some photos too. Worth the trip. 

Copenhagen water front

Catherine palace at Saint Petersburg.
Walls decked with gold end to end

Cruise’s deck Caption Christoph was at ease and friendly

Sweden- Blue hall  in Stockholm were Nobel prizes are given every year. 

Serenade of the sea’s centrum. The cruise ship had 9 floors in all..

With Shalini in Copenhagen water front

Tallin Market square - Estonia’s capital

From our rooms Balcony - Sun Set

Helsinki- Finland

spilt blood - Russia

Stockholm’s “Dalia” wooden horse dolls.

Place for various flags in the ship’s deck. The cruise would hoist the countries flag when it enters its waters. 

With Kala by Serenade of the seas -Docked

Kids to school with their teacher - Stockholm 

Nyhavn - Fabulous joint where people from various countries congregate to have street food. 

Inside our room in the cruise

Stockholm - Noble prize Venue

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Journey in Natural Farming

After knowing through news paper, TV news, TV debates, Youtube videos, and many Social medias about chemicals getting into our food chain to the extent researchers finding 200 odd manmade chemicals being present in an umbilical chord of a new born baby, I bought a device that could be used to measure man made chemicals (nitrates) present in the vegetables and fruits. The device has a probe that can be inserted into any vegetable or fruit and the devices’s screen displays the Nitrate content. If the nitrate content is with in allowable limits it is safe to consume and if the Nitrate reading show in red, that means the vegetables or fruits are grown using excessive man made chemicals. Believe me the researchers data is correct, all veggies and most of the fruits that we have access to through vegetable and fruit shops are chemical ridden. 
Our body that has evolved over millions of years is not ready and is still learning to digest / eliminate man made chemicals in food that are less than a century old. Though agriculture is more than 2000 years old man started using man made chemicals as fertilisers and insecticide, herbicide etc only in the last century. So human body is yet to learn how to eliminate these toxins from the body. The toxins that remain in the body undigested reduces immunity of the body and also pave way for chronic diseases.
My experience with FMTV ( food matters tv) :
James the founder of FMTV was in sync with my thinking and hence have been subscribing FMTV for more than a decade now. By consciously avoiding solid food and sticking to juices prescribed in FMTV’s 2 weeks workshop on detoxification help’s detoxification and during the workshop from 2nd day onwards you start to feel the benefits of the workshop . The head ache or diarrhoea one gets while detoxing means detoxing exercise is working. These symptoms of detoxification subsides by 4th or 5th day of detoxification. Ones starts feeling breeze after this. 
It was not sufficient you only detox. You have to source chemical free food ingredients. Hence my journey in to farming to grow my own rice without any man made chemicals. Rice is the single most food that we consume in abundant quantity as idli, dosai and for daily lunch as boiled table rice etc..
I attended Shri Subhash Palekar’s 10 day work shop on (SPNF) natural farming in 2019 February at Trichy SRM campus. It was an eye opener. He said nature is abundant with the minerals required for the plants and humans and that we do not have to use any man made chemicals whatsoever either to grow or protect the plants. All that we need as per Shri Subhas Palekar was one Desi cow for its urine and cow dung, which are rich in microorganisms that act on the soil to provide the plants with the essential nutrients and minerals. Learnt to make Jeevamrutham, Ganajeevamrutham, Beejamrutham, рооோро░் роХро░ைроЪро▓் etc to grow plants with out using man made chemicals. 
So first was to buy a Desi cow. I was surprised to see not a single soul in the village nor those in the family who have been in agriculture for ages knew how to identify a Desi cow from a Jersey cow or Jersey cross breed cows. It took almost 2 years for me to identify a pure Umbalacherry cow with calf. Lakshmi (2nd calfed mother) and Ahalya (calf) as named by my daughter Shalini came into our life in July’23. Not just us our extended family was thrilled to have the cow. Deputed Raja as care taker for Lakshmi and Ahalya. Lakshmi’s milk 3 litters in the morning and 2 liters in the evening was relished by all milk takers in the extended family. I came across a tamil рокுро▒роиாройூро▒ு рокாроЯро▓் that exemplifies Umbalacherry buttermilk. This exemplification is not without a reason the milk, butter and the butter milk all tasted out of the world. My mother stopped buying butter for daily use. Daily ghee usage was  met with the butter drawn out of the  curd made from umbellachery cow’s milk.            
Lakshmi with her calf Ahalya

I was more interested to make Jeevamrutham. It was made my mother’s responsibility to make the moong dal flour and supply the 100 gram moong dal flour, 100 gram jaggery along with 100 gram soil to Raja(my man Friday on Farming front)  every 15 days, so that Raja makes 20 liter Jeevamrutham mixing 1 liter of cow’s urine and 1 kg of cow dung to the above ingredients that my mother gives along with 20 liter water. This mixture is left to fermant for 48 hours, only stirring morning and evening in clockwise direction for a minute. 
As we stopped using man made chemicals (fertilisers), pesticides and herbicides from 2019 onwards, now our land is ready to be certified as an organic farm land. I have taken steps to register our land as organically certified. This will be handy when some organic produce sellers insist on certificates to buy organically produced farm products from our land.
My journey became relatively easy with the support of my brother Viswanathan who has been doing agriculture for more than 25 years now. Thanks to my wife Kala and daughter Shalini for their encouragement. 
September ‘23 Rakthashaali a traditional 2000 year old paddy was harvested from our farm land and this was our first venture to sell the paddy after value adding as rice and poha. There was tremendous support to the organically grown Rakthashaali rice. This rice is touted to be 2000 year old rice and is figuring in the Ayurvedic book Charaksamhitha as a rice with high nutritive value. Here is an article from Tamil news media about the rice Rakthashaali  We have now started growing the Tamil Nadu varieties like Athur kichilli samba, Vasanai seeraga samba etc..Literally we sold Rathasaali rice to retail customers all over India from Kanyakumari to Kashmir and West Bengal to Gujarat. 

With my brother Viswanathan at our Village Katalaicherry 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Gist of Saiva Siddhantam (continued)

Read this before proceeding 

рокродி, рокроЪு - роиிро▓ைроХро│் states / levels of the almighty and the atma

рокродி роиிро▓ைроХро│்

 There are 4 levels god has

1. роЪொро░ுрок роиிро▓ை soruba 

    This level is beyond comprehension of human intelligence however high the intelligence may be.

2. родроЯрод்род роиிро▓ை Thadatha 

    2a роЕро░ுро╡ роиிро▓ை - with out form 

          роЙрогро░ роороЯ்роЯுрооே рооுроЯிропுроо் роиிро▓ை can only be felt

    2b роЕро░ுроЙро░ுро╡ роиிро▓ை - with and with out form


    2c роЙро░ுро╡ роиிро▓ை - with form

         Multitude of gods - Siva, Sadasiva, Mageshwaran, Rudhran...

рокроЪு роиிро▓ைроХро│் (18)

There are 18 levels in which atma can be in

1. роХேро╡ро▓ роиிро▓ை Kevala level

    роЖрогро╡род்родாро▓் роХроЯ்роЯுрог்роЯ роиிро▓ை due ignorance encompassed by ego immovable, frozen kevala level. At this level pasu is immobilised. As it is a роЕро▒ிро╡ு (has intelligence) рокொро░ுро│் it starts feeling...ро╡ெро▒ுрок்рокு роПро░்рокроЯ்роЯு, роХேро╡ро▓ роиிро▓ைропிро▓ிро░ுрои்родு ро╡ிроЯுрокроЯ ро╡ிро░ுрок்рокு родோрой்ро▒ுроо். роЗрои்роиிро▓ைропிро▓் рокродி родрой் роХро░ுрогை рооிроХுродிропாро▓் рокроЪு ро╡ிро░்роХ்роХு роЙродро╡ுроо் рокொро░ுроЯ்роЯு родрой்роиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родு роЗро▒роЩ்роХி ро╡рои்родு 35 роХро░ுро╡ிроХро│ை рокுроЯ்роЯி (родройு, роХро░рог, рокுро╡рой,рокோроХроЩ்роХро│் роХொроЯுрод்родு) роЙрог்рооை роЙройро░ுроо் рокொро░ுроЯ்роЯு (роЙро▓роХுроХ்ро╡ைроХு) роЕройுрок்рокி ро╡ைроХ்роХிро▒ாрой்.

God is all present, all pervading, all mighty but as he is away from desire he doesn’t directly bail out atma (pasu) from miseries (maya). He provides all engines to make pasu realise truth and achieve bliss. In the next level роЙропிро░் роиிро▓ை.

2. роЪроХро▓ роиிро▓ை Sakala level

    рокродிропிрой் роХро░ுрогைропாро▓் рокроЪு 35 роХро░ுро╡ிроХро│் рокூроЯ்роЯрок்рокроЯ்роЯ роиிро▓ைропிро▓் родройроХ்роХு роЙро░ிроп рокுро╡ройрод்родிро▓் ро╡рои்родு роЕроЯைроХிрой்ро▒родு.   Pasu with pathi’s grace bestowed with 35 engines reaches the world. Pathi has given these engines to help pasu realise self and god.

3. роЪுрод்род роиிро▓ை Sudha level

    рокродி роЙроЯрог் роЪேро░்рои்родு роЖрогро╡ рооро▓роо் ро╡ро▒ுро╡ுрог்роЯ роиிро▓ை. mukthi level when Pasu realises self and reaches god conciousness and be part of god.

роЪроХро▓роиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЙропிро░் 15 роиிро▓ைроХро│ிро▓் роЪெропро▓ாро▒்ро▒ுроо் 

(There are 15 levels at which atma operates in sakala level) one needs to understand them (15) to consciously cross the levels. 

There are 3 major levels in sakala level

They are 

1. роХீро┤ாро╡ிрод்родை, 2. роород்родிропாро╡ிрод்родை, 3.рооேро▓ாро╡ிрод்родை

In each of the 3 major level there are 5 sub levels

As follows

1. ро╡ிро┤ிрок்рокு, 2. роХройро╡ு 3. роЙро▒роХ்роХроо் 4. родுро░ிропроо் 5. родுро░ிропாродீродроо்

1. Wakeful state, 2. dream state, 3. deep sleep state 4. Thuriam, 5. Thuriyathitham 

Now lets look at examples of  роХீро┤ாро╡ிрод்родை with its 5 sub levels

       1. ро╡ிро┤ிрок்рокு роиிро▓ை - роЪро░ாроЪро░ி роЕройுрокро╡роо் 35 роХро░ுро╡ிроХро│ுроо் роЗропроЩ்роХுроо் - роЗрои்роЙроиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЙропிро░் рокுро░ுро╡ роород்родிропிро▓் роиிро▓ை рокெро░ுроо். Wakeful state all 35 engines work. Atma resides between eye brows.

        2. роХройро╡ு роиிро▓ை - роЙро▒роЩ்роХுроо் роиிро▓ை - 25 роХро░ுроЩிроХро│்  роороЯ்роЯுрооே ропроЩ்роХுроо். 5 роЕро▒ிро╡ு роХро░ுро╡ிроХро│ுроо் 5 роЪெропро▓் роХро░ுро╡ிроХро│ுроо் роЗропроЩ்роХாродு. Example while dreaming one sees with out eyes open, walks runs etc with out legs. роЗрои்роЙроиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЙропிро░் родொрог்роЯைропிро▓் роиிро▓ை рокெро░ுроо். 10 engines do not work (5 sense organs and 5 activity organs). Atma resides in vishudhi (throat). 

        3. роЖро┤் роЙро▒роХ்роХ роиிро▓ை - 3 роХро░ுро╡ிроХро│் роороЯ்роЯுрооே роЗропроЩ்роХுроо். роЕро╡ை 1. роЙропிро░், 2. рокிро░ாрогрой், 3. роЪிрод்родроо். роЙроо் :- роХройро╡ுроХро│் роЕро▒்ро▒ роиிро▓ை. You breath and when you wake up you say you had undisturbed deep / good sleep. роЗрои்роЙроиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЙропிро░் роЗродропрод்родிро▓் роиிро▓ை рокெро░ுроо். Only 3 engines work. 1. Atma ?, 2. Breathing 3. chintha alone work in this stage. Atma resides in anahatha at heart. (Apart

       4. родுро░ிропроо் - рооропроХ்роХ роиிро▓ை - 1. роЙропிро░் , 2. рокிро░ாрогрой் роЗро╡ை роЗро░рог்роЯு роороЯ்роЯுрооே роЗропроЩ்роХுроо். рооропроЩ்роХி ро╡ிро┤ிрод்родро╡ро░ுроХ்роХு родாрой் роОро╡்ро╡ாро▒ு рооропроХ்роХрооுро▒்ро▒ோроо் роОрой்ро▒ு родெро░ிропாродு. роЗрои்роЙроиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЙропிро░் роорогிрокூро░роХрод்родிро▓் роиிро▓ை рокெро░ுроо். At Thuriam, only Atma ? and breathing exists. When a person wakes up from fainting he doesn’t remember what happened to him. Chintha is shutoff too. Atma ? Resides at manipuraham below naval / solar plexus.

        5. родுро░ிропாродீродроо் - роЗрои்роиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЙропிро░் роороЯ்роЯுрооே роЗропроЩ்роХுроо் рокிро░ாрогрой் родроЯைрокроЯ்роЯுро╡ிроЯுроо். рокாроо்рокு роХроЯிро╡ுрог்роЯро╡ро░்роХро│், роиீро░ிро▓் рооூро┤்роХிропро╡ро░்роХро│். роЗрои்роЙроиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЙропிро░் рооூро▓ாродாро░род்родிро▓் роиிро▓ை рокெро░ுроо். At Thuriyathitham only atma? Alone will be there. When bitten by snake, or drowned Atma goes snd resides at Muladhara between Anus and Genital even breathing stops. At this level still the person can be brought back to life. Garudabavana for snake bite will get the patient to life back again. Artificial breathing can bring drowned person back to life.

All the 5 above states in kelavithai can be experienced in madyavithai also. There are no words or comparison to explain Experience one get at the third state - Melavithai’s 5 levels…when the level of thuriathitham at melavithai is reached the entire knowledge of universe, energy of para sivam and parvathi flows into one and one become part of the almighty. 

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Audible - Corona False Alarm ?

The above book is an international best seller. Dr Reiss & Dr Bhakdi have varied expertise as MD, Microbiologist, professor etc.  The summary of the book is
1. No doubt Corona is a virus that is contagious and is affecting human life.
2. But the governments and the main line media had too much of voice and went about doing all acts that were unnecessary and the effect of economy is much more a serious problem than corona itself.
3. They keep telling all through the book that lockdown   could have been avoided. Many countries like iceland, Sweden, Hong Kong, South Korea and even Japan (as per the book) were transparent, kept the citizens aware of the disease and went about the business with out stringent lockdown measures and the number of cases reported and deaths are not too very different from countries that had stricter lockdown measures.
4. There had been no effective vaccines for flu and so extending the same to Corona too as the virus keeps mutating there is no real vaccine available and people are being vaccinated with out telling them the future impacts.
5. Similar cases of swine flu vaccines have rendered many with brain disease.
6. Countries like Germany ЁЯЗйЁЯЗк that have prudently stopped GMO produce are now vaccinating humans with Gene ЁЯзм modified vaccines. Which is ridiculous foolish as per the authors.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The last four engines of prakritimayay

 The last 4 engines if prakriti mayay that pathi has given to pasu to help pasu realise truth are

1. Manasu - helps decipher / understand

2. Puthi - helps know good or bad

3. Ahankaram - helps seek what is in it for me

4. Sitham - un sullied memory. According to avvaiyar god is shown / seen in Sitham ( роЪிрод்род்род்родிрой் роЙро│்ро│ே роЪிро╡ро▓ிроЩ்роХроо் роХாроЯ்роЯி )

When one is able to have mastery over the 20 + 4 engines it is said G

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The roles micro nutrients play in your life.

Not just physical health, as physical health has direct relationship with mental health, scaling high in academics, sports , career and in spiritual wellbeing, just as macro nutrients (Carbohydrates, Protein & Fat), micro nutrients play a major role. A continuous intake of Celery and Parsley juice will show you the immediate result after consumption of these juices. 

I have seen my confidence levels going up. Apart from the physical  improvement I see over a period.