Saturday, April 07, 2012

Is not taking risk the riskiest thing in life ?

The bar is kept moving high in the minds of people as to what it really means that one has arrived in to the success zone.
This trend deprives human race of it's potential to explore the new and higher possibilities. As the majority of time is spent in survival game.
It is necessary a social structure is put in place with the government intervention to put an end to this direction less race. So that higher possibilities can be achieved by human specie.
Is it true that the future evolution that is awaiting to happen may be in several thousands of years is something to do with inner aspects of human being than on physiological changes ?
This aspect of evolution is getting delayed because of current culture that predominantly makes human spend their precious time in the current trend on survival game.

1 comment:

KG said...

so true but of late slowly but surely that in young genx not all but at least a few, start has been made that they are going after their passion rather than profession